The Dubuque Martial Arts Group was founded in 1990 by Dean Lessei. D.M.A.G. has been the areas most complete martial arts training facility ever since. Through Dubuque Martial Arts Group training programs, individuals have been able to reach many goals. Students have become champions in Muay Thai / Kickboxing, Filipino stick fighting, Judo and more. Not only have they achieved competitive goals, they have gained self defense skills, improved their fitness levels, boosted their confidence, and relieved stress as well
At the Dubuque Martial Arts Group you will train in some of the most practical martial arts in the world. You will be exposed to curriculum that can be learned quickly yet still be challenging as you progress in your training. Not only will you experience training in some great martial arts, but you will have a lot of fun, make new friends, and become a part of a close knit "family".
Curriculum offered includes:
• Filipino Martial arts (Inosanto Method)
• Jeet Kune Do
• Jun Fan Martial Arts (Bruce Lee Method)
• Grappling
• Muay Thai
Private instruction also available:
• Self Defense & Personal Protection
• Women's Self Defense & Rape Prevention
• Any of the D.M.A.G. curriculum can be personalized for you
3430 Dodge St. • Dubuque, IA 52003 (lower level of Inn Plaza) • 563-588-1012